Why do humans think nostradamus gives hitler two different outcomes " one of defeat the other of victory
In simple understood linguistics 'Through 2nd peter 1: 19 to 21 'it'sobviously because the third reich ofww2 germany will return to earth triumphant in a reversal of the human aging process
to counter act the powerful evil will of evil spirits as well as satan in fact' following christianitys prophesies addressed in 2nd peter 3: 7 to 17 and revelation 21: 1 to 3 obviously.


The christian bible through 2nd peter 1: 19 to 21 no less says biblical men such as moses and Joshua and abraham were gloriously righteous for committing mass genocide on numerous cultures of corrupt hypocritical peoples and nations in this life.
No matter who it was who was committing wickedness before god in this life.
Throughout the ages of this existence.๐คก
Through 2nd peter 1: 19 to 21.
The holy ghost in christianity no less!๐คฉ
So what's your answer to that concept of this life?
Is the holy ghost wrong?
Connected to 1st samuel 15: 3 to 33 and joshua 15.
Exodus 32: 27 to 32 states that the jews during the days of moses ๐ง♂️ even killed thousands of fellow jews at one time" in mass homicides to honor the creator of this world.๐คฏ
And the christian bible says that anyone who spoke against moses for killing thousands of humans at one time would be destroyed by god in this life..
And malachi 3: 6 and hebrews 13: 8 and matthew 5: 17 to 20 and Roman's 3: 31 all reinforce those statements.๐คก
Jesus clearly credits those statements.
As does christianitys holy spirit.
Every fact of christianity related to that subject confirms the accuracy of those statements just forwarded in writing.๐ฅณ
That is irrefutably factual.
What's your answer to that?๐คธ♂️
In connection to psalm 2" matthew 3: 9 to 10" as well as hebrews 12: 28 to 29.https://youtu.be/tyY5lmEJH2U
For example.
People of earth today?
Are jesus christ and the holy ghost in christianity wrong.๐ด♀️
And mortals right
Regarding this matter?
Open your eyes.
To the obvious clear holiness and decency of hitler in this life.๐คช
Humanity today is not being entirely honest with obvious facts which apply to this situation.
That statement is entirely obvious when all the facts of this subject are circularized properly.
In full.
Humanity and satan along with evil spirits are not being thoroughly outwardly true on certainobvious matters which obviouslypertain unto this topic.
Satan toys deceitfully with this topic with the very coy assistance of mendacious humans regarding mankind in this life.
Every christian fact pertaining to this existence confirms the accuracy of that stated truth.๐ถ
That's irrefutably factual.
Regarding christianity in this life.
What do people today opposed to jesus in that regard think of those factual statements.???
Connected to exodus 15: 3????
For example.๐ฆ
Regarding this existence.
Per se?
Just out of curiosity?๐ญ
People of earth today.
Humans on earth today who enjoy hiding such obvious christian truths from humanity in this life.๐ฃ
O yes.
Which in summary" also applies to the fact" that" when everything is evaluated properly in this life" Roman's 11: 25 does not apply to jews on earth from this time period.
Roman's 11: 25 connected to matthew 15: 24" as well as matthew 10: 6 clearly applies to blood lineal jews on earth who are destined to dwell on earth after the functions of 2nd peter 3: 7 to 17 are VATICINALLY completed for all created beings in this life.๐ธ
Connected to Roman's 2: 9 to 10" revelation 21: 1 to 3 and isiah 56: 1 to 7.
As all the facts I address in the following website also clearly VATICINALLY divulge.๐ฆ
What do obviously deliberately violent people on earth presently both jews and gentiles think of that statement?๐ฆ๐คก
Which obviously coincides with what jesus righteously states in matthew 15: 1 to 15 entirely in fact.
of christianity and " saint paul and jesus that " exposing evil is the best way to combat evil.
then I believe fully that the rational thing to do๐ฑ in such a situation is obey the holy spirits instructions spoken through jesus and saint paul in that regard.

Strange how's for no apparent reason' Germany all of a sudden" approved of the third reich.
And these matters.
People who dont read the bible I assume think that's strange?.
Uh huh.
Open your eyes.
What's everybody on earth today completely stupid.?
Look at what the bible says.
For crying out loud.
I explain it with facts clearly.
In a matter of speaking " you know what?
Clearly daniel 4: 35 is the reason.
In a spiritual sense.
Connected to Roman's chapters 9 and 10.
God raised hitler to cleanse his nation of those jews who mocked christs divinity status.
And god made everyone go along with it til gods anger against numerous self righteous jews on earth was fulfilled.
Isnt that obvious?
Connected to Roman's 2; 9 to 10.
And what a surprise.
God did it just before israel became a nation again.
In 1948.
Exactly like the bible says.
What a freaking surprise.
Exactly like the bible says.
Before the nation of israel became a nation again.
As zechariah 12: 1 to 12 states.
In 1948 judah was restored.
As zechariah 12: 7 states.
And in 1967 all of israel was restored in borders.
As the rest ofzexhariah 12 warns humans on earth.
At the completion of the six day waR.
Regatding the quick 6 day war
Between Israel and many Palestinian nations.
When israel mysteriously crushed about 17 nations much larger than themselves in only 6 days.
Just in time to rest on the jewish gods SABBATH day.
Aw yes.
The jewish army rested on the 7th day.
Just like the bible says.
The ar h angel micheal made sure of that.
As an invisible micheal fought for israel and destroyed 17 Arab nations.
Unbeknownst to humanity.
At that time.
Aw yes.
But also for the record - the fearful mystery god of israel made sure that didnt happen until the glorious wondrous god of israel had cleansed israel of reprobates.
It's that simple.
The whole christian bible makes that statement clear.
Ya know?
Open your eyes.
That's obvious.
Ya know?
But just for the sake of record people who dont listen to the bible dont realize this obvious truth.
People it certainly appears never even try to understand gods simple truths.
On these obvious matters.
So why am I even trying to explain this.?
On that note-
I feel a bout of righteous sarcasm coming on.
Ya know?
And well deserving of such sarcasm are humans on earth today.
You know?
Worded as follows.
Ya know people... I gotta tell ya " right now....
Wont somebody please think of the veal.
Ya know?
I mean....
You know?????
I mean .. wow. People.
Connected to this website here!
I mean " come on?""
Ya know?
People eat baby cows?
Baby cows?
Without even letting such helpless tiny creatures live their lives?
That god gave such helpless sweet creatures on earth?
Jews too?
Do this?
How could jews of all people so mercilessly murder helpless baby enfant cows.?!!!
For food??
For obese purposes?
While mocking the jewish gods human fasting laws no less.
My god!!
And not just jews do this.
All humans on earth initiallyco.mmit murder this way on helpless sweet baby cows!!
Ya know?
baby cows on earth are ruthlessly tortured every day by humans!!!
My god!!
Devilish human hypocrites.
Clearly such humans are hypocrites.
The facts analysed in their entirety regarding such a subject clearly confirms that truth.
Including humans today who self righteously condemn hitler for doing what god commanded him to do.
In this life.
You know?
Devilish humans on earth today need to think about that true statement.
While devilish humans on earth today metcilessly murder helpless baby cows for sinful obesityreasons.
Aw yes.
Ooo yes!!!
Humans mercilessly
Torturing helpless baby cows on earth in this life just so humans can get fat and obese?
Ya know?
I mean " god of sweet glory.!
What in the name of all that is holy is going on here?
You ask?
Oo it's the twilight zone of cows versus humans?
Well now.... that's a twist to a factual story on nazis .
If I ever heard one.
It's a nazi cool book for jewish men? You say!!!?
The nazis had a spiritual cook book for jewish men and women!!!
Wait a minute noww.my god yes.
Connected to Roman's chapter 9 and 10 of christianity! You say?
Ooo really?
Wowsy wow wow wow.
O my.
But if that's true then heres an interesting question.
On that note.
Then why were many nazis proven to be of jewish ancestry?
If that's true..
Regarding ww2
And the third reich?
These are good questions. For humans on earth presently.
Regarding the nation of Israel.
Connected to the third reich.
Dont ya see?
And on the matter of comparing other helpless terrestrial species on earth with humans too- including human nazis ๐ so let me now ask this question.
Doesnt anybody care for how humans mercilessly torture baby cows?
And baby pigs and chickens?
Every day in this life.
Baby cows and pigs and chickens and many other molecular creatures too are tortured by humans.
Including probably many of those who go on youtube and boast that they are gloriously righteous above the nazis.
If that is the case then why is what is addressed here in this website factual?
On that note i now say this.
Just for the sake of record
Pigs cows and other creatures dont deliberately mock the words of jesus and the holy spirit in countless ways like basically most humans do in this life.
Ya know?
On that note
Doesnt mankind have mercy at all to show compassion for pigs who are slaughtered mercilessly every day
When that question is taken into account .
Logically before all of humanity in this life.!
Woe my freaking God!!!
On that note woe woe woe.
When those matters are measured appropriately and taken into account
Here now is a rational suggestion for the people who watch this video.
And for everyone actually.
I suggest you people on earth who watch this video now
Read Vincent price and v b prices factual accounts of human history which pertain unto this subject.
In a thesis Vincent did with his son .
The book is called
I believe it's the last chapter.
Where vincent covers the true facts of human history regarding genocides which have occurred throughout history.
You think the nazi's are the only ones ?
Or you think the nazis were the worst?
By far they were not the worst ?
Regarding human history.
So many cultures have committed various forms of genocide which totally blow the nazis away in evil throughout human history that its mind boggling.
The nazis are almost like a summer camp for kids compared to numerous other historical factions which relate to this topic .
Just so you know.
By far the nazis were no where near the worst.
By far!!!!!
Read the facts of these websites too.
If you get a chance.
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